Blog Post 4: Bacon Cures Hangovers and Appetites!

In my blog post 3 I talked about an article at, It talks about how many people think there is not a cure for a hangover however they say there is one. They state that a bacon sandwich can actually cure hangovers. The article just gives scientific facts backing their claim. The writers say that a bacon sandwich cures a hangover by boosting the levels of amines which clear the head. The article does not say what can not be determined from the results.

Looking back on blog post 2 the studies were very similar in how they backed their claim. They both studies why people like bacon and why its good for them in multiple ways. The articles claim is very close to the Cracked writers claim.

2 thoughts on “Blog Post 4: Bacon Cures Hangovers and Appetites!

  1. This is interesting because everyone has their own theory behind a cure-all for hangovers. Some people like 5 hour energy, some coffee, and others a big greasy burger. I like how it gives evidence and the real cause of the cure (boosting amines).

    p.s. My dad just chimed in and said his hangover cure is a bloody mary.

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